Tuesday, 2 December 2008

The Truth About Yoga And Pilates

The Truth About Yoga And Pilates

By: Jon Le Tocq

There's no doubting that those who practice yoga and pilates often have very impressive abilities to bend themselves into positions which are enough to make the rest of us wince at the thought.

Is this really a good thing though? How much do these abilities transfer to daily life and exercise?

Is there a more effective way to achieve the benefits which yogi's believe can only be gained from their chosen methods?

These are questions I will try to answer in this article based on personal experience and scientific fact. I'll start with the positives of taking part in regular yoga and / or pilates sessions.

Firstly it can only be a good thing when people realise the importance of performing specific work to improve their flexibility and core strength. It's a key part of enjoyable living.

The typical Brit is now characterised by poor posture due to sitting at a desk all day and lack of exercise. Consequently they're in desperate need of corrective work to address this.

Second, many of the methods can be seen in strength and conditioning settings all across the world. There must be some benefit to the underlying principals!

However, they are limited to effective mobility and flexibility practices in warm and cool-down routines and as supplemental work as part of a much more complex routine. They should not be seen as an end in themselves.

The following discussion illustrates how spending your life performing yoga as an end product is doing your body a disservice. You're also wasting a lot of time which could be used more productively.

Many yoga or pilates students argue that it helps build strength. Whilst this may be true for a complete beginner who is unable to control their body weight, there soon becomes a point where no more gains can be made because the student is able to control their bodyweight with little effort.

This relates back to the key principal of progressive overload. This is a scientifically proven concept that to make continued strength gains you must continually lift heavier weights.

Like aerobics, the only way to apply this to yoga and pilates is to put on weight. That way your muscles have a greater resistance to work against, but clearly this isn't desirable!

Whilst on the subject of strength, the whole point of increasing strength is to be stronger and more powerful in dynamic situations. This includes lifting things in daily life.

Why on earth would you look to become stronger standing in one position with very little dynamic movement? If you are training to be one of those guys who paints himself silver and stands perfectly still in the town centre for money, pilates may be a good option.

The strength benefits gained from these practices can be gained much faster using other methods. Methods used by strength and conditioning coaches and personal trainers the world over.

There is also virtually no limit to the progress which can be made using resistance training for strength compared to the limits imposed by using bodyweight only. Sure bodyweight training should be the first method used by beginners but progress in the medium to long term is severely limited.

Other strength training methods will transfer much more effectively to daily life and sports performance whether on an amateur or professional level. Surely this is more desirable?

Strength and conditioning. Two qualities everyone should be looking to improve. We've just covered strength but what about conditioning? I have heard certain, more intense forms of yoga touted as great for conditioning.

In my opinion, conditioning is the process by which you become better able to perform movement based activities of an intense nature. How can this possibly be improved if there is very little movement involved?

My final point is on the people themselves who follow yoga almost as a religion. I appreciate this does not apply to all and I am not suggesting it does, but many students of such practices seem to promote yoga and pilates as the be-all and end-all of health and fitness and life itself.

I have methods which I favour because they have been proven to be the most effective. Hpwever, I believe it is wrong to shut out all other methods in the blind belief you already have all the answers.

Every day I spend in this job I realise there is so much more I don't know. This can only be a good thing in the interests of progression of me as a person, a student and a teacher or trainer of others.

In conclusion, whilst yoga and pilates undoubtedly can provide benefits to complete beginners to exercise, they are limited in their application to those looking to live a life of intense exercise and movement performance.

Author Resource:-> Jon Le Tocq created the online Storm Force Fitness concept which continues to produce amazing fat loss and conditioning results without gym membership! You can join the fun at http://www.stormforcefitness.com

Article From Article Health And Fitness

Teaching Hatha Yoga - Student Safety in Yoga Classes

Teaching Hatha Yoga - Student Safety in Yoga Classes

By: Paul M. Jerard Jr.

Although the general public might see many different styles of Yoga, in a variety of locations, Yoga is often categorized as a form of physical fitness. Some might go a bit further by classifying Yoga as a form of wellness or a mind and body exercise.

If you speak to the average participant, most of them would consider the chance of injury, during Yoga class, unthinkable. They have heard of injuries in high-impact classes, but Yoga falls into the low-impact category. Yoga is considered so gentle, that most participants strongly believe it cannot cause harm.

Consider this: Compare one hour of step aerobics to Yoga and your body notices striking differences. At the end of both classes, you feel great, but that is where the similarity ends. There is much creative movement in a step aerobics class, but the feet and legs take a repetitive pounding.

After a typical step aerobics class, your knees, ankles, and toes feel the repetitive impact from the floor. This can result in knee inflammation, stress fractures, shin splints, metatarsalgia (toe joint inflammation), plantar fasciitis (an inflammation of the plantar fascia), sesmoiditis (inflammation of the two small bones below the first metatarsal - ball of the foot), bunions, or hammertoes.

However, none of the movements in a step aerobics class challenge the participant's range of motion in the same way Hatha Yoga does. When you add movement or speed, to the equation, everything changes. When performing Sun Salutations (Surya Namaskar) or Vinyasa, Power, Ashtanga, and Flow sequences, there is much room for caution.

The following precautions are for teachers to implement for the safety of all students who participate in any form of Yoga with movement. Warm-ups should be practiced before the flowing sequences.

The older your students are, the longer a warm-up session should be. In general, students who are under 30 years of age should warm up from 10 to 15 minutes, regardless of their supposed expertise. Therefore, add some time when teaching students over 30 years of age.

When performing a flowing sequence, have your students perform the first round slowly. Make sure you observe all of your students carefully - even the students who gravitate toward the corners or the back of the room. Observing your students, at all times, in your class, is specifically for your students' safety.

Your performance is for demonstration purposes only. When teaching Yoga classes, your responsibility is primarily geared toward student safety, and your personal practice is irrelevant.

Copyright 2008 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

Author Resource:-> Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, is a co-owner and the director of Yoga teacher training at: Aura Wellness Center in, Attleboro, MA. To receive Free Yoga videos, Podcasts, e-Books, reports, and articles about Yoga, please visit: http://www.yoga-teacher-training.org/member-offer.html

Article From Article Health And Fitness

Yoga of Maharishi Patanjali - The Joy of Brahmacharya

Yoga of Maharishi Patanjali - The Joy of Brahmacharya

By: Paul M. Jerard Jr.

Bramacharya is the fourth Yama, described by Maharishi Patanjali, in the Yoga Sutras. The literal definition of the root words, brahma and acarya, is "brahmic behavior." In fact, Bramacharya is also the first Asrama (stage of life for a Brahman), when a student lives a life of celibacy and purity, while studying the Vedas.

In the words of Swami Sivananda: "Celibacy is to a Yogi what electricity is to an electric bulb. Without celibacy, no spiritual progress is possible. It is a potent weapon, and shield, to wage war against the internal evil forces of lust, anger, and greed. It serves as a gateway for the bliss beyond, and opens the door of liberation."

How does this apply to the general population, who are not Brahman? How can the average Yoga practitioner live a pure life? Quite simply, Brahmacharya is the path of moderation. There is no need to embrace extremes.

Siddhartha Gautama, the Buddha, described the "Middle Way," as the middle path between an ascetic lifestyle and one that is devoted to the world as we know it. Again, this is moderation in our thoughts, words, actions, and non-actions.

You can apply this to relationships, diet, work, religion, and everything else in life. If we consider diet, you may be amused by the findings. Contemporary Yogis and Yoginis have, in some cases, banned coffee. Coffee contains caffeine and, therefore, it must be "bad" because our senses are over stimulated.

After a lecture about the spiritual and physical "evils" of coffee, a number of Yoga teacher interns decided to give up their morning cup of coffee. They were actually going through a form of chemical withdrawal the following day. By lunch time, some of them had left to get a coffee, and they said they felt better during the afternoon Yoga session.

To be honest, some of us can give up coffee without much effort, while others will get a headache without coffee, and this is a reaction to physical dependence of caffeine. So, where do we stand on a cup of decaffeinated coffee? Is giving up coffee going to get you a pass to heaven?

So far, we have only discussed moderation in drinking coffee, but let's expand our thoughts to another subject. If we spend our lives in worship, but have poor relationships with others, there is something missing. The people around us are worthy of our attention, and we still live on Earth.

When you consider extremes, look at our history and the role fundamentalism has played in holding humankind back from progress. The path of moderation is full of tolerance for those who do not live like us. A Yogic lifestyle requires moderation, and therefore, avoidance of extremes.

Copyright 2008 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

Author Resource:-> Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, is a co-owner and the director of Yoga teacher training at: Aura Wellness Center in, Attleboro, MA. To receive Free Yoga videos, Podcasts, e-Books, reports, and articles about Yoga, please visit: http://www.yoga-teacher-training.org/member-offer.html

Article From Article Health And Fitness

Yoga For Weight-Loss: Train Your Body, Train Your Mind

Yoga For Weight-Loss: Train Your Body, Train Your Mind

By: Melody Biggar

The reason that yoga helps you to lose weight is because it is dedicated to helping your body eliminate toxins.

We are full of toxins. From the food we eat to the air we breathe to the water we bathe in, toxins invade our body daily. Toxins can be found in almost every product we use daily, from the food we eat to our household cleaners.

Toxins are stored in your body fat. Toxins cause your liver to become sluggish and to not function properly. This causes your organs to stop metabolizing fat effectively and so you gain weight.

Yoga is designed to help your body eliminate these harmful toxins.

Not only do you eliminate toxins through the various poses, but since yoga lowers levels of stress hormones and increases insulin sensitivity, your body can then go into fat-burning mode and burn food as fuel rather than store it as fat.

The best part about yoga is that since it is low impact, you can practice it at any age or any fitness level.

"Never too late, never too old, never too bad and never too sick to do this yoga and start from scratch again." says Bikram Choudhury, the founder of Bikram yoga.

Bikram Yoga is a yoga class that is held in a room where the temperature has been raised to over 100 degrees in order to sweat out toxins. The heat of the room also increases flexibility, which leads to a better workout.

In your Bikram Yoga class you will be led through a series of 26 poses and 2 breathing exercises, which according to Bikram work out "every single tendon, ligament and muscle, from bones to skin, inside out!"

The series of postures are arranged logically so that you move smoothly from one posture to the next.

Another reason that yoga helps you lose weight is that it trains your mind to focus.

Your mind is the powerful determinant that controls whether or not you give into that cheeseburger and milkshake craving. The more you practice yoga, the more you learn to sit still, meditate and breathe and the more you will train your body and your mind. Imagine being able to quiet that little devil up there telling you to be bad and eat the processed-full-of-dairy-and-sugar-chocolate-chip-cookie-pie. Imagine that you don't even hear him anymore.

Do you eat when you're nervous, anxious or upset? Are you an emotional eater? This does not have to be your fate. This is not who you are. Imagine eliminating all of your food cravings. Imagining being able to have one bite of ice cream without eating the whole carton.

Imagine yourself as skinny, youthful and beautiful as ever without a care in the world. All of this is possible by training the mind with yoga!

Author Resource:-> To learn more weight-loss secrets and get your free weight-loss e-course visit http://www.naturalsexyskinny.com.

To learn more about how yoga can help you lose weight visit The Skinny on Yoga Blog at http://theskinnyonyoga.blogspot.com

Article From Article Health And Fitness

Monday, 1 December 2008

Corn Allergy

Corn Allergy

By: David Cowley

If you have a Corn Allergy then you suffer from Allergies Type 1, also called Contact Allergies. The immune system overreacts to the proteins found in the corn. The immune system products antibodies that are designed to fight off the harmful corn proteins. The reason the body overacts to certain foods is not clear and more studies are needed.

The proteins found in corn trigger the immune system to reaction. Antibodies and histamines are releases into the blood stream in an attempt to neutralize the corn protein. These chemicals trigger the allergic symptoms. In sever cases Epinephrine, also call Adrenaline, is administered to control the anaphylaxis reaction.

Are allergy scratch tests reliable in the diagnosis of food allergies? Some believe yes and other believe no. Your digestive system transforms the food as it passes through it and a large variety of chemical reactions take place on the partially digested foods. This is not the same as scratching your skin and then placing raw corn protein on the scratch.

I believe that the severity of the allergy plays a large part in determining if a scratch allergy test is positive or negative. Mild allergic corn reactions may not show up on the standard scratch test even though after eating corn you may think that your stomach cramps are anything but a mild reaction.

Avoid any food products that have corn, corn syrup, corn starch, Cereal Extract, Natural Flavoring, Vegetable Gum, Soy Sauce, Gluten, or Enriched Flower on the label. Many solid or liquid medications contain corn starch or corn syrup as do almost all of the major soft drinks.

Avoidance of corn-containing foods is the only effective treatment for people who are allergic to corn. Avoidance can be very difficult because corn proteins are often hidden in other foods. Until a cure is found, read the labels of every food that you bring into your home. Because the manufacturing processes change continuously re-read the labels each time you purchase a product. On January 1, 2006 a new law was passed stating that all labels should be designed in such a way that a 7-year-old child could read and understand the ingredients.

Common Vitamins and over the counter products can help with Allergies such as Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Pantothenic Acid, Glucosamine, Antioxidants, Allergy Aid, and Quercitin.

Vitamin A is a known antioxidant and can assist the human body in the healing process. Vitamin A is stored in the liver and fat cells of the human body and can reach toxic levels. DO NOT take more than the recommended dosage of Vitamin A.

Up to one-third of older people can no longer absorb Vitamin B from their food. Vitamin B is needed to form red blood cells and keep nerves healthy.

Vitamin C is nature's protective nutrient, essential for defending the body against pollution and infection and enhances the bodies immune system. Use vitamins C that is natural, ascorbic acid is usually synthesized from corn.

Beta Carotene protects the mucus membranes of the mouth, nose, throat and lungs. It also helps protect Vitamin C from oxidation, which enables it to perform at optimum efficiency.

Vitamin E protects the lung tissue from inhaled pollutants and aids in the functioning of the immune system.

Many find Pantothenic Acid to be very helpful against allergy symptoms. It is another form of nontoxic B vitamins. Pantothenic Acid is critical in the metabolism and synthesis of carbohydrates, proteins and fats.

Glucosamine is an anti-inflammatory and may give some relief from allergy symptoms.

Substances called antioxidants can neutralize free radical by pairing up or binding with the free radical elections thus inhibiting them from damaging cells in the human body.

Allergy Aid supplies 9 beneficial Herb's to help provide temporary relief of respiratory allergies. The natural action of these specific Herb's help to open bronchial tubes and ease breathing.

Quercitin is a well known flavonoid. Flavonoids are powerful antioxidants and can reduce inflammation boost the immune system and strengthen blood vessels and improve circulation. Quercitin is also known for its ability to block the release of histamines, thus reducing or preventing Corn Allergy symptoms.

Always consult your doctor before using this information.

This Article is nutritional in nature and is not to be construed as medical advice.

Author Resource:-> David Cowley has created numerous articles on allergies. He has also created a Web Site dedicated to allergies and how to treat them. Visit http://www.allergies-team.com

Submitted By ArticleUnited.com

Article From Article Health And Fitness

Coffee Allergy

Coffee Allergy

By: David Cowley

If you are allergic to coffee then you have an Allergies Type 1 is also called contact allergy. The immune system overreacts to the proteins found in the coffee. The immune system products antibodies that are designed to fight off the harmful coffee proteins. The reason the body overacts to certain foods is not clear and more studies are needed.

Most food allergy reactions usually happen within a few minutes to a few hours after drinking coffee. Most mild to moderate reactions last less than a day and can involve a rash on the skin, cramps, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, runny nose, watery eyes, wheezing and coughing.

What is interesting about coffee allergies is that it can also mimic mental disorders by producing a chemical imbalance in the human body. According to Dr's McManamy and Schube, caffeine allergies can produce alternating states of delirium and mania, resembling schizophrenia. They maintained that many patients have been erroneously diagnosed with some type of mental illness.

Because of coffees stimulating effects the allergic symptoms are masked. Coffee consumption increases the adrenaline (epinephrine) found in the body. Epinephrine is used to halt allergic reaction and with the combined stimulate effect can product delusions. Some of the byproducts created by the breakdown of adrenaline by the human body can produce the same symptoms of schizophrenia.

A high level of creatine phosphokinase (CPK MM) has been associated with caffeine toxicity. Many studies carried out in the late twentieth century revealed that a high level of CPK MM was found in patients diagnosed with mental disorders, mania, BPD, depression, catatonia and schizophrenia. Many of the studies attributed the elevated CPK MM levels with mental disorders but none of the studies focused on caffeine allergy as a contributing factor.

Most of the recent studies have overlooked caffeine allergy as having any factor in any mental disorders. Bengzon proposed, in the late 1960's that high levels of CPK MM and aldolase might be a contributing factor in explaining schizophrenia. Patients were not put on restrictive diets and the study concentrated on medication and various other factors but failed to include caffeine as a possible factor.

Dr Marshal Mandell of Norwak, Connecticute has found that 92.2 percent of the hospitalized schizophrenic patients were allergic to one or more of the common allergy causing foods; wheat, corn, and milk.

Is being allergic to coffee responsible for a variety of mental problems? It is the option of this author that more studies are needed to determine if Allergies Of Any Type are the cause of or have a contributing factor in mental illness problems. The treating of the symptoms for mental illness instead of finding the cause of mental illness is a great disservice to our mentally ill patients by our medical professionals.

M.S.M maintains the development of the body's protein by forming flexible disulfide bonds between certain amino acids and in maintaining the strength of connective tissue. This allows water and nutrients to flow freely into cells and allows toxins to flow freely out of the cells. M.S.M increases athletic stamina and helps eliminate muscle soreness. M.S.M is a natural supplement that is getting a lot of attention due to its role in tissue healing at the cellular level. It is a natural organic sulfur that comes from rain fall and is found naturally in the human body.

Always consult your doctor before using this information.

This Article is nutritional in nature and is not to be construed as medical advice.

Author Resource:-> David Cowley has created numerous articles on allergies. He has also created a Web Site dedicated to allergies and how to treat them. Visit http://www.allergies-team.com

Submitted By ArticleUnited.com

Article From Article Health And Fitness

Sunday, 30 November 2008

Chocolate Allergy

Chocolate Allergy

By: David Cowley

If you have an Chocolate Allergy then you suffer from Allergies Type 1, also called Contact Allergies. Scientists do not clearly understand why the immune system of people allergic to chocolate considers some food proteins as harmful by the body.

The immune system can mount a variety of defenses mechanisms against proteins that is considers as harmful or foreign. Symptoms can be very mild to life-threatening depending on the severity of your chocolate allergies. They usually occur within a few minutes to a few hours after eating or inhaling chocolate.

True allergies to chocolate or cocoa are very rare. Other ingredients, additives or chemicals found in processed chocolate such as nuts, milk, gluten from wheat, soybeans, corn, syrup, caffeine, Theo-bromine, and Phenyl-ethylamine, cause most allergic reactions to chocolate. The higher the quality of chocolate the lower the chances of other additives being found in chocolate.

Cocoa is made from the seeds of the cocoa tree that have been fermented, roasted and then ground up. The cocoa tree originated in Central America but is now grown in tropical climates around the world.

The proteins found in chocolate trigger the immune system to reaction. Antibodies and histamines are releases into the blood stream in an attempt to neutralize the chocolate protein. These chemicals trigger the allergic symptoms. In sever cases Epinephrine, also call Adrenaline, is administered to control the anaphylaxis reaction.

If you are unsure if you are allergic to chocolates then one of the tests you could be given is called Food Challenge Test. Avoid all chocolates for several weeks. The doctor will then give you pure chocolate without any of the other ingredients usually found in processed chocolate. This test needs to be given under close supervision by an allergist. If you are truly allergic to chocolate a violent reactions may occur and emergency medical attention may be needed. If symptoms appear within two hours after the taking the pill then you are allergic to it and will need to avoid it.

Avoidance can be very difficult because cocoa is often hidden in other foods. Read the labels of every food that you bring into your home. Because the manufacturing processes change continuously re-read the labels each time you purchase a product. On January 1, 2006 a new law was passed stating that all labels should be designed in such a way that a 7-year-old child could read and understand the ingredients.

Some of the health benefits of eating chocolate, in moderation of course, are reducing the risk of hart disease, increase longevity, increases libido and increased sexual fulfillment. Antioxidants are also found in chocolate and are believed to lower the amount of cholesterol in the blood stream. Just because it tastes good does not mean that it is bad for you so enjoy the occasional teat, you deserve it.

Common Vitamins and over the counter products can help with Allergies such as Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Pantothenic Acid, Glucosamine, Antioxidants, Allergy Aid, and Quercitin.

Vitamin A is a known antioxidant and can assist the human body in the healing process. Vitamin A is stored in the liver and fat cells of the human body and can reach toxic levels. DO NOT take more than the recommended dosage of Vitamin A.

Up to one-third of older people can no longer absorb Vitamin B from their food. Vitamin B is needed to form red blood cells and keep nerves healthy.

Vitamin C is nature's protective nutrient, essential for defending the body against pollution and infection and enhances the bodies immune system.

Beta Carotene protects the mucus membranes of the mouth, nose, throat and lungs. It also helps protect Vitamin C from oxidation, which enables it to perform at optimum efficiency.

Vitamin E protects the lung tissue from inhaled pollutants and aids in the functioning of the immune system.

Many find Pantothenic Acid to be very helpful against allergy symptoms. It is another form of nontoxic B vitamins. Pantothenic Acid is critical in the metabolism and synthesis of carbohydrates, proteins and fats.

Glucosamine is an anti-inflammatory and may give some relief from allergy symptoms.

Substances called antioxidants can neutralize free radical by pairing up or binding with the free radical elections thus inhibiting them from damaging cells in the human body.

Allergy Aid supplies 9 beneficial Herb's to help provide temporary relief of respiratory allergies. The natural action of these specific Herb's help to open bronchial tubes and ease breathing.

Quercitin is a well known flavonoid. Flavonoids are powerful antioxidants and can reduce inflammation boost the immune system and strengthen blood vessels and improve circulation. Quercitin is also known for its ability to block the release of histamines, thus reducing or preventing Chocolate Allergy symptoms.

Always consult your doctor before using this information.

This Article is nutritional in nature and is not to be construed as medical advice.

Article From Article Health And Fitness

Milk Allergy

If you have an Milk Allergy then you suffer from allergies Type 1 what is also called Contact Allergies. When milk products are consumed the immune systems treats the proteins found in milk as harmful or dangerous to the body and overreacts to the perceived invasion by producing antibodies to attack the proteins.

Scientist are unsure as to why some proteins found in foods are consider harmful or dangerous by the immune system. What is known is that antibodies and histamine released into the blood stream during an allergic attack can cause wheezing, nausea, headaches stomach cramps, and hives.

Like most type 1 allergic attacks the onset of symptoms usually occur within a couple of minutes to a couple of hours after eating something containing milk or milk byproducts. Lactose intolerance and being allergic to milk are often mistaken because some of the symptoms are the same for both conditions.

Lactose intolerance involves the digestive system instead of the immune system. The digestive system in lactose intolerant individuals does not produce enough of the enzyme needed to break down the sugar found in milk thus producing symptoms similar to an allergic attack.

Prior to seeing any allergy specialist for testing on milk allergies you will need to stop taking any anti-allergy medication or over the counter antihistamines 2 to 3 days before the test are to be performed. Talk to the allergy specialist if you are unsure about any medications that need to be stopped and for how long.

The allergic to milk testing involves putting a liquid extract of the milk protein on your body, usually the back or forearm, and then scratching the skin slightly. If you develop hives, or red bumps, or the skin turns reddish in color and itches then these symptoms could indicate a positive result for allergies to milk.

Avoidance can be very difficult because milk protein is often hidden in other foods. Milk, ice cream, and cheese obviously need to be avoided. Most baked goods such as breads and muffins use large qualities of milk in the baking process. Soy Cheeses may be milk free but they could contain milk protein and should be avoided. Other foods such as chocolate, processed meats may also contain milk or milk byproducts. Read the labels of every food item that you bring into your home. Because the manufacturing processes change continuously re-read the labels each time you purchase a product.

Avoiding milk and other allergy causing ingredients was made easier after the new laws for manufacturing labeling went into effect on January 2006. All labels should be designed in such a way that a 7-year-old child could read and understand the ingredients.

A growing awareness about food allergies is becoming well known in the United States. Food manufactures and restaurants are becoming more understanding and willing to accommodate people living with food allergies. Living with a Milk Allergy is no longer a major undertaking; it is now just a minor adjustment to your life-style.

Common Vitamins and over the counter products can help with treating the allergy symptoms such as Vitamin E, Aloe Vera, and Quercitin.

Vitamin E accelerates wound healing and aids in the functioning of the immune system. Vitamin E can be taken internally or applied as a lotion to the affected areas of the skin.

Aloe Vera will help rejuvenate and tone skin all over. A naturally cooling gel, the Aloe Vera botanical ingredients work together to stimulate the blood circulation and naturally soften the skin.

Quercitin is a well-known flavonoid. Flavonoids are powerful antioxidants and can reduce inflammation boost the immune system and strengthen blood vessels and improve circulation. Quercitin is also known for its ability to block the release of histamines, thus reducing or preventing allergy symptoms.

Always consult your doctor before using this information.

This Article is nutritional in nature and is not to be construed as medical advice.

Article From Article Health And Fitness

Dog Allergy

Dog Allergy

By: David Cowley

If you have Dog Allergy then you suffer from Allergies Type 1, also called Contact Allergies. You can be allergic to dander, saliva, or urine. Pet hair itself does not product allergic reactions in individual, but the dog dander that will stick to the dog hair will.

The allergy producing proteins called allergens are products in the dogs skin. When the dog licks themselves this sticky protein is deposited on the hair along with dead skin cells. When the dog hair comes into contact with dust, clothing, furniture, curtains, or you, the protein will stick to the surface of the object.

Allergy symptoms include nasal congestion, sneezing, itchy and water eyes, skin rashes, headaches, coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath.

All animals product allergens but just because you are allergic to dog allergens does not mean that you will be allergic to cat or bird allergens. If you are not allergic to dogs today is no guarantee that you will not develop allergies tomorrow. Many contact allergies develop over time. If you are susceptible to becoming allergic to dogs, then the more you are exposed to the allergens the more likely it is that you will develop symptoms.

If you are allergic to dogs then some precaution need to be taken to help control the allergy attacks.

Never allow dogs on the bed or even in the bedroom.

Use a HEPA room air cleaner in all bedrooms and in the family room. Air cleaners can make a really big difference in the severity and frequency of allergy attacks. The central heating system should have an electrostatic air filter to distribute clean air through out the house. These electrostatic air filters trap microscopic allergens.

Hard wood floors are easier to clean than carpets. If you do have carpets then invest in a quality vacuum. Most vacuums will blow the smaller particles of dust back into the air through the exhaust. You will need to get a vacuum that has some type of HEPA filter that traps microscopic particles of dust from being blown back into the air.

Leather furniture is easier to clean than cloth covered ones. Cover all cloth furniture with sheets to help prevent dog dander from being deposited on them and wash the sheets frequently. You may want to reserve a specific chair for yourself and not sharing your chair with your dog.

Wash your hands after petting or playing with your gods and avoid touching your eyes or face beforehand.

Allergy shots to hypo sensitize or build up an immunity to dog allergens will work on some people but not others. The reason is unknown and more research is needed for Dog Allergy problems.

M.S.M maintains the development of the body's protein by forming flexible disulfide bonds between certain amino acids and in maintaining the strength of connective tissue. This allows water and nutrients to flow freely into cells and allows toxins to flow freely out of the cells. M.S.M increases athletic stamina and helps eliminate muscle soreness. M.S.M is a natural supplement that is getting a lot of attention due to its role in tissue healing at the cellular level. It is a natural organic sulfur that comes from rain fall and is found naturally in the human body.

Always consult your doctor before using this information.

Article From Article Health And Fitness

Help I Am Allergic To The Birds And The Bees

Help I Am Allergic To The Birds And The Bees

By: David Cowley

If you are allergic to everything then you suffer from Allergies Type 1, also called Contact Allergies. Allergies are abnormal reactions to normally harmless substances. The allergens can be inhaled, swallowed or come into contact with the skin.

Normally the human body learns to defend itself though experience. That is by attacking a foreign substance that has invaded and harming the body by producing antibodies. The best know of these antibodies are called histamines. Some times the immune system mistakenly recognizes a foreign to be harmful when it is not. This can lead to the overproduction of histamines specially designed to destroy the specific foreign substance.

Some of us can roll in poison ivy and come out without any problems, while others can merely brush up against a few leaves of the stuff and there are scratching for weeks. In most cases, allergies are more annoying that debilitating but to the extreme allergy suffers life can be pure misery or even death.

Foods, mold, animal dander, pollen, dust, bee stings, insect bites, and a host of other environmental factors can cause allergic reactions. If the birds and the bees and the flowers and the trees are giving you trouble then take a good look at your environment.

As a general rule, the environment that you live in plays a large part in the frequency and severity of your allergy attacks. If you suffer from air-borne allergies, such as pollen, then living in a tropical environment may be beneficial to you. An environment with a high humidity does not carry some type of air-borne contaminates well. Other people will do better in a dryer environment such as the desert. Less plants growing in the area then there are less pollens in the air and fewer biting insects.

The city environment will usually have less naturally occurring air-born contaminates and fewer biting insects where as the country environment will usually have less artificial air-born contaminates in the air but a higher concentration of biting insects.

If you suffer from allergies then take a hard look and what is giving you the problem and then take a serious look at what type of environment will beneficial to you. Try to spend several weeks in each type of environment and take note of the effects it has on you. Different people will react differently to each environment and only you can tell what would be best for you.

M.S.M maintains the development of the body's protein by forming flexible disulphide bonds between certain amino acids and in maintaining the strength of connective tissue. This allows water and nutrients to flow freely into cells and allows toxins to flow freely out of the cells. M.S.M increases athletic stamina and helps eliminate muscle soreness. M.S.M is a natural supplement that is getting a lot of attention due to its role in tissue healing at the cellular level. It is a natural organic sulfur that comes from rain fall and is found naturally in the human body.

Always consult your doctor before using this information.

Article From Article Health And Fitness

Bee Allergy

Bee Allergy

By: David Cowley

If you have Bee Allergy then you suffer from Allergies Type 1, also called Contact Allergies. The immune system produces antibodies and other disease fighting cells in response to the bee sting. The antibodies release chemicals that injure the surrounding cells.

In the Untied State the majority of stinging insect are from Bees, Yellow Jackets, Hornets, Wasps and Fire Ants. The degree of the allergic reaction varies widely but over 2 million Americans are allergic to stinging insects. If you are allergic to a specific insect bite or sting then the next encounter has a 60 percent chance of being as bad or worse than the previous encounter.

If you have only a slight itching or swelling at the bite or sting area then it is probably not an allergic reaction but considered a reaction to the chemical or venom produced by the insect. Localized treatment with ice and disinfectants are all that are usually needed. Multiple stings increase the risk of an allergic reaction.

Symptoms of Bee Allergy reactions can include an intense itching, rash, swelling, and difficulty in breathing or swallowing, hoarseness, dizziness, headache, and intense pain at the affected area. These allergic reactions usually occur with minutes but can be delayed for up to 24 hours. If any of the breathing symptoms occur or if the other symptoms are pronounced then prompt emergency treatment is needed.

Avoid walking barefoot as most insect bites or stings result from stepping on the insect. Bright color clothing, perfumes, fruit juices and eating fruit out of doors, hair tonics, suntan lotion, and floral odors all attract insects and should be avoided.

The subject of topical treatments for bee and wasp stings are highly conversional. I am of the opinion that applying some type of ointment or trying to neutralize the insect bite or sting with either vinegar or bicarbonate of soda will have only psychology helpful effects. If you believe that it helps then it will.

Wasp and bee venom is injected under the skin and after a few minutes it will spread into other tissue. Putting bicarbonate of soda onto the wasp sting to neutralize the alkali venom and putting vinegar on bee stings to neutralize the acidic venom is unlikely to be effective or even practically. But if it works for you then go for it.

Common Vitamins and over the counter products can help with Allergies such as Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Pantothenic Acid, Glucosamine, Antioxidants, Allergy Aid, and Quercitin.

Vitamin A is a known antioxidant and can assist the human body in the healing process. Vitamin A is stored in the liver and fat cells of the human body and can reach toxic levels. DO NOT take more than the recommended dosage of Vitamin A.

Up to one-third of older people can no longer absorb Vitamin B from their food. Vitamin B is needed to form red blood cells and keep nerves healthy.

Vitamin C is nature's protective nutrient, essential for defending the body against pollution and infection and enhances the bodies immune system.

Beta Carotene protects the mucus membranes of the mouth, nose, throat and lungs. It also helps protect Vitamin C from oxidation, which enables it to perform at optimum efficiency.

Vitamin E protects the lung tissue from inhaled pollutants and aids in the functioning of the immune system.

Many find Pantothenic Acid to be very helpful against allergy symptoms. It is another form of nontoxic B vitamins. Pantothenic Acid is critical in the metabolism and synthesis of carbohydrates, proteins and fats.

Glucosamine is an anti-inflammatory and may give some relief from allergy symptoms.

Substances called antioxidants can neutralize free radical by pairing up or binding with the free radical elections thus inhibiting them from damaging cells in the human body.

Allergy Aid supplies 9 beneficial Herb's to help provide temporary relief of respiratory allergies. The natural action of these specific Herb's help to open bronchial tubes and ease breathing.

Quercitin is a well known flavonoid. Flavonoids are powerful antioxidants and can reduce inflammation boost the immune system and strengthen blood vessels and improve circulation. Quercitin is also known for its ability to block the release of histamines, thus reducing or preventing Bee Allergy symptoms.

Always consult your doctor before using this information.

Article From Article Health And Fitness

Cat Allergy

Cat Allergy

By: David Cowley

If you have Cat Allergy then you suffer from Allergies Type 1, also called Contact Allergies. If your skin comes into contact with cat dander or cat hair you immune system produces a violent reaction in an effort to eliminate something it considers harmful.

The main cause of cat allergy is caused by the allergens found in the cats skin. When the cat licks themselves, this sticky protein adheres to the cat hair. When the cat hair comes into contact with dust, clothing, furniture, curtains, or you, the protein will stick to the surface of the object. Even after the cat has been removed the allergens can remain for up to 4 years.

Cat allergen is so small that it can easily penetrate the bronchial membranes. It is about 10 times smaller than dust particles or pollen. Up to 1/3 of non-cat owners have the cat allergen on their clothing and in their home.

Male cats product more allergen that female cats and neutered cats product less that non-neutered and kittens product less allergens that adults animals do.

You need not have what you would consider a dirty house to suffer from dust and dander allergies. Some of the more common overlooked ideas for dust and dander management are as follows.

After you have vacuumed your carpets get down on your hands and knees, in a well lit room and slap the carpet with your hand. If you see dust rising into the air then you need a better vacuum cleaner. Most vacuums will blow the smaller particles of dust back into the air through the exhaust. You will need to get a vacuum that has some type of HEPA filter that traps microscopic particles of dust from being blown back into the air.

Ceiling fans not only trap dust and dander on top of the fan blades but will also stirs up any dust and dander in the area when turned on. Clean them weekly and if you must use them be sure to have a good HEPA type of Air Purifier in the area.

Run the vacuum over all curtains every week and wash them in the washing machine ever couple of months. You will also need to use a lint remover, the sticky tape type, to remove all of the cat hair stuck on the bottom of the curtains. If you have curtains that require dry cleaning, replace them because the chemicals used during the cleaning process can lead to problems with someone who has allergies or asthma.

Cats are known for being clean animals, yet I have never had another animal that sheds more hair than my cat. I believe those vile and evil creatures called dust bunnies live on cat hair. I have never had a larger infestation of dust bunnies as when I had a cat. They are sneaky little buggers and they multiply like - well like rabbits. Do all you dusting with a damp cloth. Using a dry cloth will only stir up the dust and dander into the air.

Most of us believe that are kitchen is the cleanest room in the house. My cat likes to sleep on top of the kitchen cabinets. When was the last time you cleaned on top of the kitchen cabinets? If you haven't cleaned up there in a while it will not be a pretty site.

Common Vitamins and over the counter products can help with treating the allergy symptoms such as Vitamin E, Aloe Vera, and Quercitin.

Vitamin E accelerates wound healing and aids in the functioning of the immune system. Vitamin E can be taken internally or applied as a lotion to the affected areas of the skin.

Aloe Vera will help rejuvenate and tone skin all over. A naturally cooling gel, the Aloe Vera botanical ingredients work together to stimulate the blood circulation and naturally soften the skin.

Quercitin is a well-known flavonoid. Flavonoids are powerful antioxidants and can reduce inflammation boost the immune system and strengthen blood vessels and improve circulation. Quercitin is also known for its ability to block the release of histamines, thus reducing or preventing allergy symptoms.

As a last resort you could get a pet rock or hope for a vaccine to stop your Cat Allergy problems.

Always consult your doctor before using this information.

This Article is nutritional in nature and is not to be construed as medical advice.

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Alternative Acne Solutions Go High Tech

Alternative Acne Solutions Go High Tech

By: Trevor Mulholland

Acne vulgaris or the common acne afflicts majority of adolescents everywhere. The rise in hormonal activity at puberty signals the onset of changes to the underlying structures of the skin. Unfortunately, these pubescent transformations give rise to conditions that are conducive for acne. With acne as the leading dermatological concern of the youth as well as for a number of individuals who experience acne beyond their adolescent years, it is no wonder that acne solutions are quite in high demand.

Kinds of acne

There are several kinds of acne according to how severe the condition is. The first one is referred to as comedonal. This is characterised by the presence of non-inflamed blackheads or whiteheads. Blackheads occur on the surface of the skin whilst whiteheads are closed comedones that are under the skin's surface. They both refer to the blockage of the pores of the skin.

The next kind of acne is known as papulo-pustular or inflamed acne. This may be mild, moderate to severe inflammatory acne. Here, the skin is markedly raised and in the case where pustules are present, the pus-filled pimples are a clear indication of the nature of the bacterial infection.

Common acne treatments

The most popular mode of acne treatment comes as topical creams or ointments containing bactericides, antibiotics or retinoid compounds. Benzoyl peroxide is a well known active ingredient for many of the popular bactericidal anti-acne medications like Proactiv. It is known to be rather effective for comedonals as well as for mild to moderate inflammatory acnes. Azelaic acid and salicylic acid are also used as an ingredient in topical medication for non-inflammatory acne. Neutrogena as well as Clean and Clear act against acne with salicylic acid as their main ingredient.

Erythromycin and tetracyclines are broad spectrum antibiotics prescribed for mild to moderate papulo-pustular acne. Tretinoin and adapalene are the better known retinoids found in some acne solutions and cuts across most of the acne types except for severe inflammatory acne. Adapalene is the active ingredient in Differin.

The matter concerning severe inflammatory acne stems from its resistance to the other common methods applied for the other acne categories. One retinoid that stands out when it comes to severe acne is isotretinoine, the active ingredient in Accutane. Isotretinoine requires a prescription from a competent doctor as it may result in various side-effects.

High technology versus acne

For non-OTC options of fighting acne, one promising alternative is phototherapy. Here, the affected area of the skin is exposed to visible light, either violet or red. This short wavelength illumination seems to generate a reaction from the P. acnes bacteria wherein, over a matter of days of phototherapy treatment the bacteria ceases to survive. Consequently, the acne condition clears up with no known serious side-effects on the part of the patient.

Another high technology solution for acne conditions is through the use of lasers. Although laser treatments have been implemented long before to repair damaging acne scars, it was found to be beneficial for reducing and preventing acne in the long term. The object of laser based acne solutions is to burn away the follicles and sebaceous glands where the blockage and subsequent infection occurs. Ultimately, the acne causing bacteria is also killed in the laser process.

Article From Article Health And Fitness

Monday, 10 November 2008

Causes and Natural Ways to Cure Acne

Causes and Natural Ways to Cure Acne

By: Palak Agarwal

Acne is the most common skin problem mainly among adolescents which is caused due to the physical changes that occur during the change from childhood to adolescence.

The hormones that cause teens to mature also cause the oil glands of their skin to produce more oil. A skin bacteria called P. acnes begins to multiply rapidly in the oil of the clogged hair follicle. These bacteria produce irritating substances that cause swelling and inflammation. But, if proper care is not taken, it persists through adulthood. It affects the image conscious teenagers psychologically.

One of the causes for pimple is the physical bodily disfunctioning. So, the body excretes the excessive waste products of the through the skin which is proved to be the second excretory organ. It may be due to deficient diet or due to the consumption of excessive junk food.

As it is a result of an effort of the body to cleanse the system, unwashed hands should not be placed on the face or over the acne. Moreover as we know excessive accumulation of oil over the face causes acne, we must also deal with dandruff which increases the possibility. Similarly, dust should also be not allowed to accumulate over the face which can further cause pimples.

But, as we all know that our body cells are made up of more than 75% water and this means that we need to keep them hydrated in order for them to function properly. So, water is the most important cure for this problem proved time and again. Drink lots of water, about 8 glasses everyday which will help you not only cure acne but most other skin problems.

In addition to this, eat a lot of fresh fruits, in the form of juice is more favourable as it has more water content effective in curing acne. Include more of green leafy vegetables and food rich in vitamins and minerals in your diet to avoid acne and promote a healthy, glowing skin.

Vitamins and minerals are essential to good skin health and effective acne treatment. For acne and pimple related issues vitamin A is especially beneficial for clear, healthy skin. Vitamin A aids in the growth and repair of body tissues and helps maintain smooth, soft, disease-free skin. The B-complex vitamins, especially riboflavin, pyridoxine, and pantothenic acid, help reduce facial oiliness and blackhead formation. Sugar and alcohol destroy the B-complex vitamins.

Vitamin C aids in resisting the spread of acne infection, and vitamin D guards the body's store of calcium from excretion. Vitamin E has been found to be helpful in the prevention of scarring. Vitamin F is a vitamin consisting of unsaturated fatty acids and helps with regeneration of the skin.

Calcium is a mineral known for promoting strong bones and teeth, but also helps the skin remain healthy. Potassium deficiency in older persons can lead to dry skin, but in teenagers, potassium deficiency can result in pimples.

Before bathing, apply a mixture of tomato pulp of real tomato pulp, not packaged one and honey and rose-water to your face and keep for twenty minutes before washing off. At night, before going to bed, apply a mix of cream, glycerine, and lemon juice to your face and again keep it on for a short while before washing. Regular Yoga exercises will also improve skin and overall health.

This is one of the many natural ways to keep your skin healthy and reducing acne as much as possible. But the best way, however, without doubt is drinking plenty of water which is also the easiest and the most effective one.

Author Resource:-> Palak Agarwal is a research analyst at Admanya.com, India's leading consumer internet portal which educates consumers by providing extensive product information and robust research. Visit
http://consumer.admanya.com for latest consumer reviews, buying tips, prices, advices, surveys and reports.

Article From Article Health And Fitness

Wednesday, 17 September 2008

The Importance of Facials

Many people think that if they use a moisturiser every day there is no need to pay a visit to the Beauty Salon for a regular facial. However, they are mistaken.

Whilst using a daily moisturiser is vital to the health and vitality of the skin, there is no doubt that a monthly facial boosts the skin and certainly pays dividends by rehydrating, balancing and firming the skin.

There are a wide variety of facials to choose from and it can be quite confusing choosing the right facial for you. Ideally visit a beauty salon that has been recommended to you and one that has fully qualified and experienced therapists. Any worthwhile beauty therapist will recommend the correct facial to suit your skin type and condition.

Anti-ageing facials and decongesting facials for problem skins appear to be the most popular at this moment in time. Facials do follow trends, a few years ago non-surgical facelifts were very popular, whereas now the importance of repairing the skin from sun damage, eliminating free radicals and encouraging our own collagen and elastin production are being recognised as vital to achieve a healthy, balanced and more youthful skin.

We can chose from a รข€˜hands-onรข€™ facial where your therapist selects the appropriate preparations for your skin. These are usually derived from essential oils, plant extracts, vitamins or seaweed. After cleansing and exfoliating these preparations are introduced to your skin by way of a relaxing massage of face, neck and shoulders finishing with a mask to complete the treatment. Alternatively there is a mixture of รข€˜hands-onรข€™ and รข€˜machineรข€™ facials. These tend to be more effective as they can ionise the preparations deep into the dermis of the skin. This is the really important layer of the skin where the quality of your skin cells are determined. By working on this deep layer, we improve the condition and appearance of the top layer of skin, with results lasting up to a month. If this sounds a little daunting, donรข€™t worryรข€¦these facials are perfectly safe and relaxing, especially as the majority of therapists incorporate รข€˜hands onรข€™ massage of face, neck and shoulders to help you relax and improve the circulation and lymphatic function of the skin.

Try to have a monthly facial as the skin cells have a lifecycle of one month, so after the month they are due for some maintenance. Be kind to yourself and your skin รข€“ it has to last you a lifetime!

Author Resource:-> Aurora Beauty and Holistic Therapies, a salon based in Bristol, England, can include aromatherapy massage, thermo-auricular therapy, Indian head massage, alongside many other beauty and holistic treatments.

Article From Article Health And Fitness

Body Care for Everyday Life

It is important to have a body care routine. When body care products are not used on a regular basis, they are ineffective. Nobody can expect smooth skin from a single day of moisturizing. It takes several days to witness results. In order to maintain that same level, it must be performed routinely. This may seem like a lot of work, but when someone gets into a regular body care regimen, she can manage to do it all in mere minutes!

Body Care: Start in the Shower

Start from the top and work down from there. The first thing people should see is a healthy, glowing face. This starts with a good face wash. A foaming face wash is an excellent choice. It is made just for the face and will help retain the skin's moisture. Regular bar soap is not a good idea because it can dry out the face's delicate skin.

The next step is to use a good exfoliator. This should be gentle enough for the face but may also be used on every part of the body. An exfoliator removes the dead, dry top layer of skin cells and reveals the healthy skin underneath. This should not be done every day, but should be done at least once a week.

While in the shower, it is best to use a shower gel to wash the body. This is more delicate than a bar soap and also smells wonderful. It is especially easy when used in combination with a loofah. A loofah helps to exfoliate skin as well.

Body Care: Out of the Shower

After stepping out of the shower, the first thing to do is apply moisturizer to the entire face and body. This generally requires two different products since the face will need something gentler. This is the best time to apply a moisturizer because damp skin absorbs more effectively than dry skin. This will help keep the skin soft and smooth.

There are special moisturizers that are made for hands and feet. Feet are often neglected when it comes to total body care. These moisturizers are made especially for rougher, drier skin. Our feet and hands are exposed to so much that they need something a little stronger to keep them looking and feeling healthy and beautiful.

Body Care: During the Day

It is essential that people are aware of their bodies all day long. It is a good idea to carry antibacterial hand lotion or soap. There are germs everywhere and not enough places to wash our hands. This will help keep the hands and face germ free since everyone touches their face during the day. It is also a good idea to carry wipes that absorb face moisture. This will help keep pores from becoming clogged and also feels great on the skin.

Body Care: Before Bed

Before going to bed each night, there are several body care products to use in order to maintain healthy skin. The first is a good cosmetics remover. It is not recommended that a woman retire for the evening without removing her make-up, as it tends to clog pores and cause breakouts. Once this is accomplished, the face should be washed with a good foaming cleanser. After washing the face, it is a good idea to use a toner. A toner will clean out the pores of the face, reaching deeper than the foaming cleanser can. Finally, apply a blemish cream that will work overnight. This entire routine should take only five minutes and is worth every second to have beautiful skin!

Body care is essential all day long. In order to have skin look and feel its best, it is important to follow each of these steps. Following a body care regimen every day will keep skin beautiful and soft!

Author Resource:-> Ursula McLean is a IA and ITEC qualified beauty therapist working with Feel Confident. Visit www.feelconfident.co.uk for great deals

Article From Article Health And Fitness

Six Common Skin Problems

Our skin is the largest organ in the body and can reflect our general health. In addition, our skin is probably the most abused organ on the body from environmental factors, stress, dehydration, sun exposure, etc. Our skin needs to be protected and nourished.

Problem #1: Fine Lines and Wrinkles

The major factors responsible for lines and wrinkles are mostly due to over-exposed skin to the sun. In addition, stress, hormones, heredity, and environmental factors also play a significant part. In order to reduce more fine lines and wrinkles from forming and demishing the ones you have, exfoliation is recommended as well as a rich moisturizing cream. Exfoliation removes dead skin cells and stimulates new skin cell growth.

In addition, to eliminate additional fine lines and wrinkles from forming, you should wear a sun screen of SPF 15 or higher everyday. Most people believe that because they are not baking in the sun, a sun screen is not needed; however, most people do not realize just how much sun they are exposed to on a daily basis

Problem #2: Enlarged or Distended Pores

Enlarged or distended pores (blackheads) are due to trapped debris in the pores. The debris is a combination of dead skin cells and sebum (oil). The debris causes the pore to stretch or buildup and produce blackheads. Facial cleansers with an exfoliate are recommended for enlarged or distended pores. The exfoliating ingredient will open the pore and the cleanser will clean out the pore(s). In addition, after cleansing a skin toner should be applied to tighten the skin and close the pores. A moisturizer should only be applied after toning and closing the pores on your skin. If you do not have a toner, apply cold water to close the pores before applying any moisturizer.

Problem #3: Brown Spots aka Age Spots

Brown spots are caused from over exposure to the sun. The sun causes the cells that produce melanin to react and protect the inner layers of the skin. Melanin is the product that the body produces to get a tan. It is a protective reaction for the skins inner layers.

There are remedies on the market to remove brown spots such as laser surgery or use of retinoids or alpha-hydroxy acids (AHA) combined with bleaching agents such as hydroquinone and kojic acid. In addition, natural ingredients such as lemon or other fruit juices will lighten brown spots and at a fraction of the cost of the above therapies.

Again, as indicated above, sun screen is imperative to avoid brown spots on the skin.

Problem #4: Blemishes

Blemishes are usually due in part to the over production of sebum (oil) which can be attributed to stress and hormonal changes.

Mild to moderate breakouts, characterized by less than seven pimples a month, can be treated with over the counter products. This may include those treatments containing glycolic acid or retinol, which is potent for unclogging skin pores. Also, benzoyl peroxide, which is an antibacterial agent, can be applied. There is one specific ingredient that is particularly effective in treating blemishes รข€“ salicylic acid. This is actually an efficient exfoliate that dissolves skin oil.

In addition to over the counter remedies for blemishes there are a number of natural make at home products that are quite beneficial and not as harsh. A mild home remedy is listed below:

Mask with Baking Soda

(not baking powder)

Wash face thoroughly with a mid cleanser. Mix baking soda and water together to form a paste. Apply the paste to you face and leave on about 10 minutes. Rinse face and feel the difference.

Problem #5: Redness on the Skin

Rosacea is a condition that first appears as a flushing or subtle redness on the nose, cheeks, forehead and chin. It then progresses from intermittent mild redness to persistent ruddiness as well as permanent, dilated blood vessels and acne-like bumps.

Rosacea is not curable, but it responds well to treatment. Dermatologists usually recommend prescription topical and oral antibiotics. In addition, treatments such as Vbeam are available. Vbeam is a technique that repairs the broken capillaries and reduces the need for topical applications. Furthermore, there are over-the-counter treatments available and natural home remedies that reduce redness.

Problem #6: Dullness of the Skin

Dullness of the skin typically occurs around age 30. During this stage, the natural ability

of your skin to slough off dead cells from the surface slows down. When the dry and dead cells build up, the skin becomes dull. To freshen your skin and bring back a natural glow, consider regular exfoliation to slough off dead skin cells and improve circulation. In addition, set-up and follow a good skin care regime and your skin will thank you for it by its natural glow.

Author Resource:-> For more skin care articles, natural cosmetics and homemade skin care recipes visit Complete Skin Care Therapy

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Sunday, 14 September 2008

3 Deadly Skin Care Myths

By: Mark Aleks

Your skin is one of the most important components to beauty. Clean, young, vibrant looking skin can increase a woman and manรข€™s attractiveness ten fold. The tricky part is there are hundreds of myths out there that can destroy the beauty of your skin.

Are any of those myths having an effect on your skin?

Here are 3 myths that could have a deadly effect on the beauty of your skin, and how to overcome them to create and keep beautiful skin.

1. Wearing Sunscreen

The concept of using sunscreen to protect your skin from the harmful sun is good. However, the problem is that most sunscreens contain active ingredients which are harmful chemicals. Depending on the sunscreen, the chemicals may include Benzophenones, PABA and PABA esters, Cinnamates, Salicylates, Digalloyl trioleate, Menthyl anthranilate and Avobenzone. The Environmental Working Group found 84% of sunscreens are harmful to consumers.


A surprisingly good natural sun block comes from broccoli extract. It has been found to produce a matrix of protective enzymes that defend against damage from UV exposure.

2. Buying the Best Smelling, Best Looking Skin Lotions

Everyone loves shopping at the mall and smelling skin lotions. In fact, the smell and look of a lotion are the biggest reasons people buy it. Unfortunately, the smell and look in most products are created artificially. And when itรข€™s created artificially, it is harmful to your skin. It may make your skin feel moist, but on the cellular level it is speeding up the aging process.


Look for lotions that have all natural, or even better, all organic fragrances and coloring.

3. Using Soapy Soap

After watching Dove Soap commercials you canรข€™t help but want to use soaps to lather your body clean. Soaps can do rather the opposite though. They tend to clog your pores due to the ingredients that make the soap a solid. That leads to acne and also takes away the vibrant look on the skin.


Try to use less harsh and/or organic soaps, and use cleansers on your face more often.

These myths come totally unexpected considering our culture practices them everyday. Being aware of them and creating new healthy habits can have profound effects on aging.

With your skin, the smallest changes begin to make the biggest differences, just as these 3 myths can dramatically impact the beauty of your skin.

Author Resource:-> Mark Aleks and his brother started a skin care company at a young age, providing exclusive skin care products to spa and salons in cities like Boston and New York City.

To sign up for his skin care newsletter on eliminating aging, go to EliminateSkinAging.com

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Article Health And Fitness

Wrinkle Treatment is the New Beauty Mantra To Stay Young

Wrinkle Treatment is the New Beauty Mantra To Stay Young!

By: Neelima Reddy

Growing age is always a scary thought for everyone. As your age increases, your skin will become loose and can lead to wrinkles. Mostly women are very much worried about wrinkles which can make them to look older than their age.

With proper care and treatment you can avoid wrinkles. If you really want to look more stunning in your old age, then just follow guide lines given below for wrinkle treatment.

The first and fore most thing you need to do is, avoid exposure of your skin to sun, to avoid UV rays, which can cause damage to your skin. Do not neglect to apply sunscreen lotion while going out. Try to cover your body as much as possible without exposing it to sun and pollution.

Drink lots of water. It removes the unwanted materials like fat and other oily substances and helps to keep your skin hydrated always. In cooler or dry atmospheres, apply moisturizing cream to your skin.

Home remedies to avoid wrinkles:

รข€¢ Olive oil shows better results in wrinkle treatment. Massage your skin with olive oil gently and regularly. Always massage in opposite direction of wrinkles.

รข€¢ Carrot juice is very effective in healing wrinkles. Take a glass full of carrot juice daily for two weeks. You can find a lot of change in your skin.

รข€¢ Apply the paste of ripen papaya on your face for some time and then take bath. Repeating this process daily will not only help in wrinkle treatment but also makes your skin glowing.

รข€¢ Cucumber also helps in the treatment of wrinkles around eyes. Place a piece of cucumber on both of your eyes. It not only cures wrinkles but also gives relaxation to your eyes.

รข€¢ Maintain a good diet with lots of fruits and vegetables to look more fresh and young.

รข€¢ Avoid strain, stress and tension and keep your self active always.

รข€¢ Take few drops of lemon and mix it with cream of milk. Wash your face with warm water and wipe it with hard cloth or rough towel and then apply the mixture of cream and lemon to your face and leave it for half an hour. By doing this for up to 15 or 20 days regularly, your face will be free from wrinkles and black spots.

รข€¢ Cold water also helps in avoiding wrinkles. Do not wipe the face immediately; rather you pat it with dry hands.

Some advanced treatments for wrinkles:

รข€¢ Low energy plasma skin regeneration treatment: In this treatment, new skin is developed on targeted area with the help of stimulated energy. This treatment reduces the appearance of wrinkles.

รข€¢ Laser treatment for wrinkles: This is the advanced technique used for wrinkle treatment which uses carbon dioxide laser for treating wrinkles.

รข€¢ Cosmetic surgery is also an advanced invention for wrinkle treatment. In this treatment, wrinkles are treated by surgery.

Wrinkles can be delayed, but cannot be avoided. So never expect complete transformation, just follow the given tips to look younger than your age. Visit Skin Care and Anti Aging

Author Resource:-> Neelima Reddy, author of this article writes for http://www.skincarebeautyzone.com>SkinCareBeautyZone.com. Skin Care beauty blog helps you learn everything you need to know about skin and beauty. Know more about several methods of maintaining a healthy skin. Visit: http://www.skincarebeautyzone.com

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What's in Your Skin Care Cream?

What's in Your Skin Care Cream?

By: Carol Belanger

The skin care industry has the public convinced that their products will bring you a glowing complexion, reduce wrinkles and reduce discoloration. However, the cosmetic industry is not regulated and so long as they list the ingredients on the bottle as required by the FDA they can make all the claims they like. Additionally, many skin care companies use the term รข€ล“Naturalรข€� when in reality many products contain less than 1% of a natural ingredient such as aloe Vera, or other essential oils.

In reality many cosmetics and baby products contain harmful ingredients which are detrimental to your health or your babies. The United Nations Environmental Program estimates that approximately 70,000 chemicals are in common use across the world with 1,000 new chemicals being introduced every year. Of all the chemicals used in cosmetics, the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health has reported that nearly 900 are toxic - although other groups attack that figure as being far too conservative.

Below are a few guidelines when selecting a skin care product.

Talc is commonly used to dry, freshen and deodorize the skin. It is a mineral consisting of hydrated magnesium silicate. Research has suggested that women who use talcum powder for personal hygiene between their legs are more likely to get ovarian cancer. It is thought that talc may travel up into the vagina, through the cervix into the womb, along the fallopian tubes, to the ovaries, causing irritation and inflammation, resulting in cancerous changes. Additionally, inhalation of talc may irritate the respiratory system.

Triclosan is an antimicrobial chemical found in hand washes, toothpastes and household products; it may kill 'friendly bacteria' which help with digestion and protect the body from more serious infection. There is cause for concern that the overuse of anti-bacterial products inhibits the normal process of the immune system to ward off germs.

Phthalates is used to make plastics flexible, they are found in shampoos, moisturizers, nail polishes and hair sprays. Animal studies have suggested links with testicular abnormalities in male offspring exposed to these chemicals in the womb. Phthalates like all chemical processed ingredients in cosmetics are absorbed through the skin or inhaled.

Sodium lauryl sulphate was originally used as an industrial degreasing; it is widely used in shampoos, bubble baths and other washing products to product foam. This chemical can irritate eyes, skin and mouth.

Aluminium salts (eg: aluminium chlorohydrate) is used in antiperspirants and deodorants, they dissolve onto the skin to create a coating over sweat glands and so reduce the amount of sweat that is released. There have been concerns that this chemical may be related to breast cancer.

Parabens (eg: methylparaben (E218), ethylparaben (E214)) are used as preservatives in cosmetics, food and household products, they may mimic the female hormone, estrogen. Concerns focus on a possible link to breast cancer, when used in deodorants.

There is a growing list of synthetic ingredients manufacturers are adding to their products every day which are or will be detrimental to your health sometime in the future. Therefore, when purchase your next cosmetic or baby products read the label carefully. Select natural products made from botanicals and essential oils for the safest skin care products.

Author Resource:-> For real natural cosmetics that do not contain harmful chemicals and scientifically and clinically tested to do has they claim visit Complete Skin Care Therapy

Article From Article Health And Fitness

Sunday, 7 September 2008

Dr. Young Speaks on PH Balance and Weight Loss

Dr Robert Young, CNN

Your Body's Natural PH Balance

Your body had a natural acid/alkaline balance. Medications, sugars, poor diet and stress can all make the body more acidic.

When the body is acidic, yeast, bacteria, viruses and cancer can thrive. And conversely, when the body is alkaline, foreign bacteria, viruses, yeast and cancer can not live.

Our body has a natural balance called homeostasis. When we are too acidic, minerals like calcium are leached from our bones to help alkalize the body. Another way our body tries to protect us from acid is to buffer it with fat and store it in the body.

Luckily, there are ways to naturally boost your PH which should stay at 7.365. Eating more green vegetables and less sugars, meat and dairy. There are also some great supplements out there that are alkalizing as well.

Tuesday, 2 September 2008

Vitamin C And Your Skin

How Vitamin C Promotes Healthy Skin

Vitamin C And Your Skin

1 Helps plump up thinning skin by increasing its production of NEW COLLAGEN.

No known risk of allergy, no immune reaction and no injection-induced infection. Just natural collagen being deposited in an orderly fashion...rapidly bringing back with it your skin's softness, strength and elasticity.

2 Vitamin C is an antioxidant.

As an antioxidant, Vitamin C kills free radicals, which irreparably damage our cells and accelerates the aging process.

3 Blood Capillary Strengthener.

Vitamin C strengthens blood capillaries which means fewer broken capillaries visible on your face.

4 Enhance Skin Brightness.

Vitamin C even out your skin tone and helps to remove age spots and liver spots.

5 Prevents Transepiderma Water Loss.

Helps retain moisture within the skin by reducing the water evaporation.

Medications Can Affect Your Skin

What Meds Are You Taking?

Are Your Meds Drying Out Your Skin?

Many over-the-counter and prescription drugs cause dry skin. We need to be vigilant and check the small print -- both for ingredients and the warnings as well whenever we start taking a new drug of any sort. Some of the drugs that can cause dryness are:

1 Some antihistamines

2 Drugs used in chemotherapy

3 Accutane (yes, the acne treatment)

4 Diuretics

5 Anti-cholinergics (a treatment for spasms of the GI tract)

6 Protease inhibitors (treatment for viral infections)

7 Tamoxifen

Botox - The Good, The Bad And The Ugly

Is Botox A Reliable Wrinkle Cure?

Botox Facts

If you're thinking about Botox, check out the following facts first.

1 The costs for Botox runs about $550 per time, 2 to 4 times per year.

2 Botox does NOT work on fine lines, sun damage, skin roughness, acne scars or age spots. Botox only works on the face's motion wrinkles.

3 Botox can only soften DEEP wrinkles but NOT remove them.

4 Regular Botox injections can cause nerve damage

5 The effects of Botox only lasts 3 to 6 months.

6 Botox is injected directly into the muscle causing paralysis (thereby relaxing the wrinkles) which decreases your ability to smile, frown or squint.

How To Remove Wrinkles

Here are some homemade remedies to smooth out those wrinkles.

1 Rub egg white on our face and leave it for 5 minutes. Rinse with lukewarm water and pat dry.

2 Put honey on your face. Wait 15 minutes, then rinse with lukewarm water and pat dry.

3 Apply coconut or castor oil on your face. Leave overnight, then rinse with lukewarm water and pat dry.

4 Papaya Facial Peel Mask

To effectively use this recipe, cleanse face and steam to open pores. The skin will be moist and receptive to the peel.
Papaya Peel Ingredients:
1 cup fresh pineapple
Half-a-cup fresh papaya
1 tablespoon honey
Puree fruit together.
Add honey and mix into a smooth paste.
Leave mask on 15 to 20 minutes. Rinse completely.

Pineapple and papaya contain natural enzymes and alpha-hydroxy acids that remove dead skin cells while the honey moisturizes the skin.

5 Hoeny and Aloe

I mix honey with aloe juice and put it on my face for about ten minutes then rinse with warm water. I'll let you know when someone notices!

7 Main Causes of Skin Damage

Anti-aging skin care starts with you. As you age, your skin changes. It becomes loose, thinner, drier and wrinkled, and slower to heal. The wrinkles occur mainly as a result of the rupture of the elastin fibers and the decreasing production of collagen fibers in the dermis but the diminishing of the fatty cells play a part in this as well as the decreasing bonds between the epidermis and dermis.

The main factors that accelerate skin damage are:
1. Sunlight
2. Smoking
3. Pollution
4. Muscle use
5. Inadequate diet
6. Genetic background
7. Decrease of hormonal levels at menopause.

Sunlight (the UV rays actually) damages the collagen and elastin fibers, and causes the development of some abnormal elastin fiber types. This results in a looseness of the skin and its incapacity to retract after stretching, causing the formation of wrinkles. It further creates a higher percentage of evaporation, making skin drier. Skin care for woman is vital, but before seeking anti aging skin care treatment or anti aging skin care product, you may want to know the basics means of protection.

Thus it is advisable at any age to avoid sunlight at midday and regularly use sunscreen creams with SPF 15 or higher. In addition, it is recommended to drink a lot of water, about 50-60 ounces daily. This intake of water would also be helpful in eliminating toxins through urine, rather than through skin pores.

Smoking and other air polluting factors produce free radicals in the cells of the skin, altering these cells and their genetic material. It is important to emphasize the importance of quitting smoking because smokers get wrinkled at an younger age than non-smokers, which is increased with the years and the number of cigarettes smoked daily.

If you want to improve your physical and mental health by stopping some of the processes which lead to aging, consider researching anti-aging programs. You will discover a whole world that is focused on slowing down many of the effects associated with aging, skin care for women, anti aging skin care treatment, anti aging skin care product and more. This will lead to increased energy, a better outlook on life, and a marked improvement in your health.

Six Common Skin Problems

Our skin is the largest organ in the body and can reflect our general health. In addition, our skin is probably the most abused organ on the body from environmental factors, stress, dehydration, sun exposure, etc. Our skin needs to be protected and nourished.

Problem #1: Fine Lines and Wrinkles

The major factors responsible for lines and wrinkles are mostly due to over-exposed skin to the sun. In addition, stress, hormones, heredity, and environmental factors also play a significant part. In order to reduce more fine lines and wrinkles from forming and demishing the ones you have, exfoliation is recommended as well as a rich moisturizing cream. Exfoliation removes dead skin cells and stimulates new skin cell growth.

In addition, to eliminate additional fine lines and wrinkles from forming, you should wear a sun screen of SPF 15 or higher everyday. Most people believe that because they are not baking in the sun, a sun screen is not needed; however, most people do not realize just how much sun they are exposed to on a daily basis

Problem #2: Enlarged or Distended Pores

Enlarged or distended pores (blackheads) are due to trapped debris in the pores. The debris is a combination of dead skin cells and sebum (oil). The debris causes the pore to stretch or buildup and produce blackheads. Facial cleansers with an exfoliate are recommended for enlarged or distended pores. The exfoliating ingredient will open the pore and the cleanser will clean out the pore(s). In addition, after cleansing a skin toner should be applied to tighten the skin and close the pores. A moisturizer should only be applied after toning and closing the pores on your skin. If you do not have a toner, apply cold water to close the pores before applying any moisturizer.

Problem #3: Brown Spots aka Age Spots

Brown spots are caused from over exposure to the sun. The sun causes the cells that produce melanin to react and protect the inner layers of the skin. Melanin is the product that the body produces to get a tan. It is a protective reaction for the skins inner layers.

There are remedies on the market to remove brown spots such as laser surgery or use of retinoids or alpha-hydroxy acids (AHA) combined with bleaching agents such as hydroquinone and kojic acid. In addition, natural ingredients such as lemon or other fruit juices will lighten brown spots and at a fraction of the cost of the above therapies.

Again, as indicated above, sun screen is imperative to avoid brown spots on the skin.

Problem #4: Blemishes

Blemishes are usually due in part to the over production of sebum (oil) which can be attributed to stress and hormonal changes.

Mild to moderate breakouts, characterized by less than seven pimples a month, can be treated with over the counter products. This may include those treatments containing glycolic acid or retinol, which is potent for unclogging skin pores. Also, benzoyl peroxide, which is an antibacterial agent, can be applied. There is one specific ingredient that is particularly effective in treating blemishes รข€“ salicylic acid. This is actually an efficient exfoliate that dissolves skin oil.

In addition to over the counter remedies for blemishes there are a number of natural make at home products that are quite beneficial and not as harsh. A mild home remedy is listed below:

Mask with Baking Soda
(not baking powder)
Wash face thoroughly with a mid cleanser. Mix baking soda and water together to form a paste. Apply the paste to you face and leave on about 10 minutes. Rinse face and feel the difference.

Problem #5: Redness on the Skin

Rosacea is a condition that first appears as a flushing or subtle redness on the nose, cheeks, forehead and chin. It then progresses from intermittent mild redness to persistent ruddiness as well as permanent, dilated blood vessels and acne-like bumps.

Rosacea is not curable, but it responds well to treatment. Dermatologists usually recommend prescription topical and oral antibiotics. In addition, treatments such as Vbeam are available. Vbeam is a technique that repairs the broken capillaries and reduces the need for topical applications. Furthermore, there are over-the-counter treatments available and natural home remedies that reduce redness.

Problem #6: Dullness of the Skin

Dullness of the skin typically occurs around age 30. During this stage, the natural ability
of your skin to slough off dead cells from the surface slows down. When the dry and dead cells build up, the skin becomes dull. To freshen your skin and bring back a natural glow, consider regular exfoliation to slough off dead skin cells and improve circulation. In addition, set-up and follow a good skin care regime and your skin will thank you for it by its natural glow.

Article From Article Health And Fitness