Monday, 10 November 2008

Causes and Natural Ways to Cure Acne

Causes and Natural Ways to Cure Acne

By: Palak Agarwal

Acne is the most common skin problem mainly among adolescents which is caused due to the physical changes that occur during the change from childhood to adolescence.

The hormones that cause teens to mature also cause the oil glands of their skin to produce more oil. A skin bacteria called P. acnes begins to multiply rapidly in the oil of the clogged hair follicle. These bacteria produce irritating substances that cause swelling and inflammation. But, if proper care is not taken, it persists through adulthood. It affects the image conscious teenagers psychologically.

One of the causes for pimple is the physical bodily disfunctioning. So, the body excretes the excessive waste products of the through the skin which is proved to be the second excretory organ. It may be due to deficient diet or due to the consumption of excessive junk food.

As it is a result of an effort of the body to cleanse the system, unwashed hands should not be placed on the face or over the acne. Moreover as we know excessive accumulation of oil over the face causes acne, we must also deal with dandruff which increases the possibility. Similarly, dust should also be not allowed to accumulate over the face which can further cause pimples.

But, as we all know that our body cells are made up of more than 75% water and this means that we need to keep them hydrated in order for them to function properly. So, water is the most important cure for this problem proved time and again. Drink lots of water, about 8 glasses everyday which will help you not only cure acne but most other skin problems.

In addition to this, eat a lot of fresh fruits, in the form of juice is more favourable as it has more water content effective in curing acne. Include more of green leafy vegetables and food rich in vitamins and minerals in your diet to avoid acne and promote a healthy, glowing skin.

Vitamins and minerals are essential to good skin health and effective acne treatment. For acne and pimple related issues vitamin A is especially beneficial for clear, healthy skin. Vitamin A aids in the growth and repair of body tissues and helps maintain smooth, soft, disease-free skin. The B-complex vitamins, especially riboflavin, pyridoxine, and pantothenic acid, help reduce facial oiliness and blackhead formation. Sugar and alcohol destroy the B-complex vitamins.

Vitamin C aids in resisting the spread of acne infection, and vitamin D guards the body's store of calcium from excretion. Vitamin E has been found to be helpful in the prevention of scarring. Vitamin F is a vitamin consisting of unsaturated fatty acids and helps with regeneration of the skin.

Calcium is a mineral known for promoting strong bones and teeth, but also helps the skin remain healthy. Potassium deficiency in older persons can lead to dry skin, but in teenagers, potassium deficiency can result in pimples.

Before bathing, apply a mixture of tomato pulp of real tomato pulp, not packaged one and honey and rose-water to your face and keep for twenty minutes before washing off. At night, before going to bed, apply a mix of cream, glycerine, and lemon juice to your face and again keep it on for a short while before washing. Regular Yoga exercises will also improve skin and overall health.

This is one of the many natural ways to keep your skin healthy and reducing acne as much as possible. But the best way, however, without doubt is drinking plenty of water which is also the easiest and the most effective one.

Author Resource:-> Palak Agarwal is a research analyst at, India's leading consumer internet portal which educates consumers by providing extensive product information and robust research. Visit for latest consumer reviews, buying tips, prices, advices, surveys and reports.

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